ZDHC MRSL V2.0 Compliance - Chemical management through Eurofins | Chem-MAP

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Since the launch of the Manufacturing Restricted Substance List (MRSL) V1.0 by ZDHC, the programme has become an important tool for buyers and suppliers to ensure proper chemical management and compliance at the inputs level in the supply chains. Last year, ZDHC published MRSL V2.0 with expanded scopes and requirements to originally replace MRSL V1.1 by end of 2020. Recently, ZDHC has announced the extension of ZDHC V2.0 adoption to 1st April 2021. With additional three months to the new edition implementation, how well prepared are you for it?

Eurofins | Chem-MAP Technical Manager Georgina Mawer will walk you through critical points that you should not miss to achieve ZDHC MRSL V2.0 Level 1, 2 and 3 conformance. Eurofins | Chem-MAP was one of the very first solutions approved to all levels conformance when MRSL V1.0 was first launched, and has gained much traction from the industry since then.

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Meet your presenter

Head of Commercial

Georgina Mawer

As Head of Commercial, Georgina is responsible for the technical output of Eurofins | BLC specifically relating to consulting services and analytical and physical testing through the laboratory. Georgina has extensive knowledge with the leather, textiles and synthetic sector in the imposition of robust chemical management systems within their supply chains. She has supported brands, manufacturers and chemical companies with compliance programmes, due diligence procedures, trouble shooting and technical support on RSL and MRSL listed substances and the accompanying challenges. In addition, Georgina helps to implement upstream chemical management systems within chemical companies, manufacturers, brands and retailers. For further information on Eurofins | BLC visit www.blcleathertech.com. Prior to joining Eurofins | BLC, Georgina worked in Analytical Research and Development (AR&D) and Quality Control (QC) roles in pharmaceutical laboratories after graduating from University of Lincoln with a BSc (Hons) Degree in Forensic Science.

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  • £99.00

    £99.00Chem-MAP - Why is Chemical Management System needed?

    This online course provides a good understanding of the chemical-related challenges that faced the industry, highlights the importance of adopting a robust chemical management and explains what you need to do to makes this system successful.
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